Havana Summer 2010 City Scenes

Photo Feature by Elio Delgado

HAVANA TIMES, August 10 — Havana is a city where people are often out in the streets for one reason or another, but even more so during Summer.

Since the overwhelming majority of the population uses public transportation or walk where they are going there is a constant flow of passersby, people in line to buy something or others just hanging out, even more so in the denser parts of the cities with a lot of stores such as Centro Habana and Old Havana.

The Malecon seawall is the capital residents’ favorites to get some relief from the hot humid temperature.

Click on the tumbnails below to view all the photos in this gallery

2 thoughts on “Havana Summer 2010 City Scenes

  • Hola soy jose Cheo Pedroso nacido en la barriada de Cayo Hueso .. Centro habana / Cuba y recidente Stuttgart – Alemania
    –Es un placer poder ver un trabajo fotografico donde relievas aconteseres reales con acento de cubania.
    Gracias!!!!!.. Te felicito de todo corazon … Ojala que algun dia pudiera ayudarte en mostrar “Realidades Deciertas” me causa gran sensacion el saber que aun hay personas que reviven su deceo de hacer arte
    Saludos cheo

  • Buenos días Elio,
    Bravo para tus bonitas fotografías La Habana este verano. Al placer de revisar otros…
    Eso me recuerda bonitos recuerdos.
    Espero que hayas pasado uno bonitos veranos.

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