Nobody Try to Change Anything, Only I Can

HAVANA TIMES – This week our group of artists deals with the announced disappearance of the CUC currency. The news came on TV on December 10th from the nation’s president alongside the head of the Communist Party. With this action, an economic transformation begins on January 1, 2021, which already seems to reach all strata of society.
A large number of memes circulate on social networks reflecting the reactions of Internet users. Most of them show complaints about the new rates of state companies such as Etecsa (telecommunications) or UNE (electricity).
The so-called “reorganization task” has begun and we are all waiting to see what improvements it brings to the pocket of ordinary Cubans.
For a long time, we face shortages in stores selling in pesos (CUC & CUP). The few quality products were moved to the US dollar stores. However, only a minority of the Cuban population has access to these establishments.
At this point, nothing seems to have changed. The basic and quality products are sold in a currency different from the one we Cubans earn. It is a whole commercial infrastructure dependent on remittances from our emigrants.
Anyone seeking truly spontaneous change is criminalized and designated as a mercenary at the service of a foreign power. Meanwhile, the State changes its clothes without consulting those below.
We are looking forward to that necessary and promised improvement for Cubans, who can’t live off promises.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes