The Rebellion of Cuban Doctors Spreads with a New Video
In the eastern province of Holguin

HAVANA TIMES – More than twenty Cuban doctors have denounced the health collapse in a new video and have shown solidarity with their colleagues who, last weekend, broadcast another video to demand supplies and protest against the criticism of the sector launched by Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero.
On this occasion, and in a video of a little more than four minutes, 23 health workers express their complaints about the lack of medicines, means of protection to work, and oxygen to save the lives of patients, amid a resurgence of cases of Covid-19 that has put the battered health system of the island in check.
“Our patients need help,” warns the resident in angiology and vascular surgery Julio C. Hernández at the beginning of the recording. “We also need help, we do not want more people to continue dying,” adds the doctor in his brief complaint dated, like that of the rest of the doctors who participate in the audiovisual, on August 16.
“We demand that we be treated with respect,” claims internal medicine specialist Reinier Ávalos, who also requires “adequate means of protection to be able to work.” A request expanded by Dr. Jorge L. Báez: “We request more support from health personnel, fewer demands, fewer complaints.”
The criticisms of the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero, against health personnel have unleashed a storm that comes at the worst moment for the Government. The doctors, whose internationalist missions are the main source of economic resources for the regime, have started a rebellion against the leaders of the country, which is still living under the effects of the July 11 protests.
In the video released this Wednesday, the neurosurgery specialist Linda I. Green asks for “drugs and supplies to provide care for our patients.” Several of the doctors used the comments to speak about the concept of “healthcare collapse,” a definition that the Cuban authorities reject and that they prefer to substitute that of “overstretched hospitals.”
“We see ourselves collapsed at the institutional and national level. We demand supplies to treat our patients with dignity and decorum,” stresses resident Rosell Albertaris, while Óscar E. López takes the opportunity to show his solidarity with colleagues from the Vladimir Ilich Lenin Hospital, from Holguín, who made the first demand video.
Since Marrero accused the Cienfuegos health workers of “neglect” last week and pointed to subjective causes as the main reason for patient complaints, the complaints against the prime minister have spread to several provinces, but have been especially energetic in Holguín, one of the regions most affected by the outbreak of the pandemic.
“Let’s not tell any more lies and let’s assume things as they are,” warns Luis Miranda, a resident in anesthesiology and resuscitation, an opinion shared by his colleague Dr. Blanca who adds that “what is happening now is untenable. It is sad and very painful, and I believe that anyone who feels committed to the oath they took should feel the same. “
As part of the responses to Marrero, several personal and collective letters from health workers have also circulated in recent days that point out the problems they must overcome every day to be able to do their work in the midst of collapsed hospitals due to cases of contagion, the lack of medicines and the few protective supplies they have.
This avalanche of critical opinions from a sector considered for decades to be in line with government policies coincides with the approval of strict legislation to control the opinions that are published from the Island on the internet. Under these new regulations, issuing any opinion that damages “the prestige of the country” can be considered a crime.
Nick, remember I’m Cuban was born in Havana and lived there for 31 years. I’ve seen the Cubans anthropological changes and their relationship with foreigners , have a great life
Mr P
I have made no comment whatsoever regarding police spending.
Not for the first time I suspect that you may be inhabiting some kind of parallel universe.
I would add that I most definitely did comment upon your beloved homeland’s sorry assed kow-towing to the Taliban.
Nick writes “spends more proportionally than does Cuba.” He is referencing US spending on military/police.
As I have said to you previously – you and MeV are never gonna agree. However I do respect the fact that your point of view is different to mine.
The faults of the government of the country of your birth do not justify the actions of the country of your current residence.
That would be my humble opinion.
Aside from that, I would urge that you please do not draw conclusions, based on your own specific ideological perspective, regarding relationships between myself and people whom I love and who love me.
I would suggest that it is presumptive and disrespectful of you to try and walk down that wrongful Avenida.
Nick did your friends in Cuba tell you after the protest on 7/11 the repression has been increased and the police are going door to door arresting, threatening ,and fining ?
That is the false calm that your friends probably talking about or perhaps they miss you generous visit and trying to tell you is ok to come. But there are Plenties videos in YouTube of small protest in several towns after 7/11 and the big one in Cardenas where a young black man was kill by three shoot by the police. Nick if the dictator and the high militaries in power refuses to leave peacefully or with the plebiscite it would be bloodshed on the street and beyond people already lost the fear. What is repulsive is people like u Curt, Dan, and others Transnochados leftist that do not want to help monetarily for democratic government in Cuba and the only thing that talk about is the Embargo. Well, the embargo in in power because the Cuban dictatorship stole the business of Americans citizens and other’s countries the regime paid to every other countries but USA obviously Castro was picking a fight to create the ultimatum David and Goliath BS and the sympathy of the dated leftist around the world. I hope you can see on day the Cuban people celebrate democracy that a person like me born and raised in Cuba no need a visa to enter the country I was born and every Cuban person enjoys democracy and its benefits just like you and those who defend the Cuban dictatorship but late living in democracies around the world.
Mr MacD,
I think you may have missed my ‘welcome back’ comment below the article called ‘20 days since July 11 protests’.
Welcome back. I hope you are keeping well.
Yes, I am critical of the current U.S. government. It’s preferable to the previous regime. But unfortunately various of trump’s policies are being continued. For example, the disgraceful policies toward Cuba (which do great harm to ordinary Cubans) and the lame-assed surrender in Afghanistan.
Over a period of decades millions of dollars sourced from U.S. taxpayers have gone into efforts to provoke unrest in Cuba. This is done in the cynical pursuit of FLA electoral college votes. Plain and simple.
I myself, have met people in Cuba who have been recipients of some of this money. They take dollar from the region’s no1 power in order to provoke unrest with a view to overthrowing the government in their own country. That’s their game. Although I may disagree with their actions, I do understand their viewpoints.
To discuss Cuba without mentioning these facts or without mentioning the USA is like discussing a small room without mentioning the large elephant sitting bang in the middle of it.
My understanding is that the recent protests occurred due to the failings of the Cuban government. I have stated this in various comments so I don’t really know why you seem to be suggesting that I think otherwise.
There are people in Cuba who are very dear to me. Have been very dear to me for 25 years and rising.
I have spoken to some of them since July 11th. They tell me that they hope that violence on the streets does not in any way re-occur or escalate. They want a better future for the country but they do not wish to see bloodshed on the streets.
I would tend to agree with them on both counts.
Those of us who read and/or contribute to HT over the years, fully realize that the different expressions represent the different political views. Nick for example will use every opportunity to attack or belittle the US at large, Dan will support communism, Moses and I being married to Cubans, and with family in Cuba, are critical not only of communism, but of the Cuban regime in particular and “reality”. But there are areas of debate where facts are indisputable. Cuba is a communist dictatorship, no other political view is acceptable. Cuba has a developed system of exerting power and control – ably demonstrated by MININT following the demonstrations of July 11, 2021. A very substantial number of people have been jailed without any form of public trial. The President of the country urged “revolutionaries” to take to the streets and “defend” – ie: attack, the demonstrators. Many of those who subsequently attacked the demonstrators were MININT goons in civilian clothing. Yet despite all those facts, there are those who deny that Cuba is a Police state. The odd really abusive person pops up here and there – DAVID is an example, to for example describe one with whom he disagrees, as “a liar”. Despite the abuse hurled at it – some of which holds merit, the US does endeavor to assist some other countries and in particular regarding health. The US for example was deeply involved in fighting Ebola in Africa, long prior to Cuba entering the fray along with its customary propaganda, and as Brad points out, has donated huge volumes of vaccines to a multitude of countries, unlike Russia, which supplied relatively small volumes of Sputnik V, on credit, to many fewer countries, but with much more publicity. Then there is the blatant assault upon the integrity of those hard working medical professionals in Cuba, who have been striving since March 2020, to contain the Covid 19 virus and some of whom have died in consequence. Who launched that assault? Why, none other than the Prime Minister of Cuba – he of ample girth who sits beside President Diaz-Canel. It takes courage to openly respond to such awful criticism from one who sits on-high in the Communist Party of Cuba, but a group of doctors have taken that risk! How does Dan defend Marrero? I think it probable that I was at least as critical of Donald J. Trump and his drive towards converting the US into a fascist totalitarian state, and I consistently expressed my detestation of both Communist and Fascist dictatorships, describing them as “evil”. But there are those who whilst agreeing with the condemnation of fascism, are somewhat coy to equally condemn communism. Why? Rather than just condemning the US as a whole, Nick ought to offer support to those Americans who are endeavoring to battle the preaching and actions of the Proud Boys, the Oath Takers, the KKK, the Nazis and QAnon, for opposing such thugs takes courage. We who are not Americans should recognize that there is an internal struggle in the US – which although arriving late as an ally, was an essential component in winning two world wars, the second of which was against the evils of Nazism and Fascism practiced both in Europe and in Japan. HT Is about Cuba where I was on July 11, 2021. It is nonsense to suggest that the US was in any way responsible for the demonstrations – they were a consequence of communication, particularly by cell-phone. Yes, the Internet was cut off and yes, the regime’s fear grew to the point where they intervened with cell-phone communication. Patria y Vida!
I do not understand the references to me in Mr P’s comment.
I made no mention of levels of police spending.
My reference was to the the appalling double standards in U.S. foreign policy.
Crack down on Cuba.
Surrender to the Taliban.
Meanwhile most people in the USA seem to disrespect their own lacklustre version of democracy.
Sad times indeed. Very unfortunate and very sad.
I won’t check the accuracy of the counterargument in Nick’s comment regarding the proportion of police spending in the US relative to Cuba. It may be true. But Nick misses the problem. Cuba can ill afford to spend the amount of that they do on a problem, relatively speaking, less pressing for the welfare of the Cuban people. There are likely many countries around the world more “policed” than Cuba. But, their pharmacies are well-stocked and their grocery stores are full. That the failed Castro dictatorship is still in fear if US Marines landing on the Malecón is just stupid. That’s the problem Nick.
The USA kisses Saudi butt,
kisses Putin’s butt,
kisses Israeli butt,
kisses Kim Jong Un’s butt,
and now slavishly kisses Taliban butt.
Yet it screws down on Cuba because in those crooked and quasi-democratic White House run-offs all those potential presidential bozos know that FLA electoral college votes may hold the keys to the front door to that neat lil ol house on Pennsylvania Avenue.
And all because a sad bunch of desperadoes in Florida, out of sheer spite, would vote for Lucifer himself if he promised to make life yet more difficult for the long suffering people of Cuba.
And yet, certain citizens of the USA who exhibit their viewpoints on this forum still have sufficient levels of self-aggrandisement and hypocrisy to presume to have some kind of moral high ground.
Totally crooked.
Totally screwed up.
Totally astonishing.
Bloated police state Cuba ? Compared to what, Superpower United States, with no one spending billions to overthrow its government, spends more proportionally than does Cuba. My little town has a SWAT team with an APC which they gleefully displayed to intimidate the 50 or 60 BLM protestors we had here months ago. Cuba has a bunch of “Palistineos” which cost almost nothing. It’s the Blockade which is obstructing Cuba from having money for medical supplies, not police spending.
The U.S. has donated 110 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to 65 countries, President Biden announced Tuesday August 3rd at the White House.
Another 500 million Pfizer vaccines that will be donated to low- and middle-income countries by the end of the month.
Maybe you don’t know what’s going on David.
Joke is on you.
Meanwhile, the Cuban government continues to employ an oversized and bloated police state. Resources wasted on domestic spies would be better spent on medicine. The Castro dictatorship uses the US as justification for its military. Really? So how long would Cuba be able to defend the homeland against a serious US military assault? Days? Even hours? Is this therefore money well spent? Anyone who has been to Havana remembers seeing national police patrols on nearly every corner. Is this necessary or simply to suppress political opposition? Bottom line: more medicine, less military.
“The USA continues to share vaccines throughout the world free of charge” ???????
I am guessing you wrote that as a joke — and I unfortunately missed the irony. If you are serious, all I can say is that you are also a liar.
You can’t work with ‘a stick and a stone’ to provide medical care. If you don’t have the supplies, medication, or equipment it’s not fair to the patient, doctor or the situation at hand with the COVID continuing to ramp up with no vaccines!!! The USA continues to share vaccines throughout the world free of charge.