AMLO in Chile Stresses the 9/11 Betrayal of Allende

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador with Gabriel Boric. Photo: EFE

The Mexican president said those events can’t be “erased even with all the water of the oceans”

By EFE (El Mostrador)

HAVANA TIMES – Chilean president Gabriel Boric in the company of Mexican president Manuel Andres Lopez Obrador (AMLO) – who arrived in the country to commemorate the Coup d’état – valued the solidarity that Mexico had for the Chilean exiles in the seventies and highlighted that Allende’s sacrifice transcended the country’s borders.

On Sunday, Lopez Obrador visited La Moneda, headquarters of the Chilean Government. He said there that the deposed president Salvador Allende is the foreign leader for whom he feels the greatest admiration and said that his death 50 years ago was “a horrendous crime.”

The Mexican president landed in Santiago on Saturday from Colombia to participate on Monday, along with other regional presidents, in the commemorative events for the 50th anniversary of the coup d’état led by General Augusto Pinochet.

Gabriel Boric maintained that “the sacrifice of Salvador Allende transcended the borders of this country, it became universal and that is what the visit of such a high dignitary as Lopez Obrador represents.”

Furthermore, he stated that “the histories of our countries are deeply intertwined, crossed by great emotions, and by great gestures of solidarity. Our ties also have to do with the present and the future, in a broad field of cooperation that we have in economic matters, scientific, technological, educational and cultural investments.”

The Government of Mexico was, among Latin American governments, one of those that deployed a policy of solidarity with Chilean exiles. The prestige of Salvador Allende, his death and the events of September 11, 1973, moved Mexican society and contributed to the solidarity that was displayed towards Chileans and the rejection of the Military Junta. Although the refuge in Mexico was not massive, in the context of exile the House of Chile was founded in Mexico on September 11, 1974. This arose at the initiative of Pedro Vuskovic Bravo —a former minister of Salvador Allende— and was supported by a group of prominent Mexican intellectuals and personalities.

It is the first time that Lopez Obrador visits South America as president. Since coming to power he has only had five trips abroad: four to the United States and a brief tour to officially visit Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Belize and Cuba.

The Mexican leader recalled that Allende was a “pacifist,” who rejected the armed revolution, and maintained that “Pinochet’s betrayal was abominable, a stain that cannot be erased even with all the water in the oceans.”

At the end of August, when he announced his trip to Chile, Lopez Obrador caused controversy by contradicting the official version of the suicide and ensuring that Allende was “murdered” by the coup plotters on September 11, 1973.

In La Moneda, the Mexican leader avoided referring directly to the matter and limited himself to saying that Allende’s death “was a horrendous crime.”

Read more from Chile here on Havana Times

2 thoughts on “AMLO in Chile Stresses the 9/11 Betrayal of Allende

  • AMLO is a fox. With friends like him ………………………………….!

  • But he refused to call the Cuban regime a dictatorship. Ideological blind

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