Boric Calls for No Tolerance of the Crisis in Nicaragua   

Gabriel Boric. File photo: La Prensa

The Chilean president has been one of the Latin American leaders who has most strongly condemned human rights violations in Nicaragua

By La Prensa 

HAVANA TIMES – On Tuesday during his speech at the summit of the European Union and the Community of Latin American States (EU-CELAC), Gabriel Boric, the president of Chile, said that “situations of human rights violations such as those occurring in Nicaragua or the crisis in Venezuela are intolerable, and should not be tolerated.”

“I feel obliged to say that situations like those occurring in Nicaragua today, or the terrible crisis that has led to the exodus of more than six million Venezuelans, which we see in Chile where we have welcomed more than a million of them, are intolerable and should not be tolerated in Latin America or anywhere else in the world,” said the president during the summit being held in Brussels.

He added that “at the same time we have to think about how to solve, and not aggravate, the problem. This is why we must state without hesitation that the sanctions that are imposed bilaterally are not contributing to the solution.”

In that sense, the Chilean president mentioned that the sanctions placed on Venezuela by the United States do not contribute to resolving the problem. Nor does the US blockade of Cuba.

Boric has been one of the Latin American presidents who has most strongly condemned the human rights violations that occur in Nicaragua under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega. He has used his position and his voice in international forums to demand the release of political prisoners and the restoration of democracy.

“Imperial aggression”

Similarly, President Boric was robust in condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine and said that “it is important that we in Latin America say it clearly: what is happening in Ukraine is an imperial war of aggression, an unacceptable violation of international law.”

He mentioned that a joint declaration was being blocked “because some countries do not want to say that this is what the war against Ukraine is,” referring to Nicaragua, which opposed the declaration.

Finally, the leaders of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States agreed — without Nicaragua– to the final declaration of the summit condemning the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine.

Read more news from Chile and Nicaragua here on Havana Times.