Cuba Invests in “Morning-After-Pills”

Cuban university students.  Photo: Caridad
Cuban university students. Photo: Caridad

HAVANA TIMES, Nov. 3 – Cuba’s health authorities will try to reduce the number of abortions, estimated at 85,000 a year, through the use of Levonorgestrel or “morning-after-pills”, reported IPS.

For starters 225,000 doses a year will begin being produced, announced Miguel Sosa, president of the Sexual Health and Family Planning Committee.

Cuba is the only country in Latin America where women have freedom of choice and abortions are carried out with no restrictions.

Eighty percent of Cuba’s fertile age women are sexually active and three fourths of those use contraceptives, noted IPS.

One thought on “Cuba Invests in “Morning-After-Pills”

  • “Morning-after-pills” are great, and this is good news; but, is a “pill” the best method of reducing abortions?

    It’s my understanding that many in Cuba seek abortions due to the economic and social privations of bureaucratic, dysfunctional “state” socialism. If this is the case, the best way of reducing abortions in Cuba may be for Cubans to make socialism “workable.”

    This can be done by:
    (1) jettisoning the religion-level belief in the infallibility of Marx;
    (2) jettisoning his incorrect idea that the socialist state must own and administer all the means of production; (3) bringing back the natural institutions of private property and the trading market;
    (4) allowing and helping larger national enterprise to be employee-owned cooperative corporations (based on the experience of worker cooperatives around Mondragon, Spain); and
    (5) have the socialist state get its revenues from preferred stock (non-controlling) co-ownership of enterprise, not from taxes.

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