Cuba Sounds the Alarm over Tropical Storm Laura

By Circles Robinson

The National Hurricane Center’s projection cone for Tropical Storm Laura as of Sundar at 11 AM Cuba time (ET).

HAVANA TIMES – Tropical Storm Laura will arrive in Cuba late this afternoon or evening. In preparation, on Sunday morning, the Cuban Civil Defense authorities announced the Alert Phase for eastern and central Cuba. The affected provinces are from Guantánamo to Villa Clara. The West, which includes Matanzas, Havana and Pinar del Río, are on Watch.

At 11 AM Cuban time (ET) Laura maintains maximum sustained winds of 85 km/h (50 mph) with higher gusts. It continues to move rapidly west at 33 km/h (21 mph). The Forecast Center of Cuba (Insmet) estimates that the storm “may increase intensity in the next few hours during its approach to the island.”

Heavy rains and sea surges in coastal areas can be expected.

There are always unknowns when a storm or hurricane system passes overland. In its latest report from the Cuba Forecast Center (Insmet) predicts a possible departure for Laura between Artemisa and Havana or possibly Pinar del Rio.

The terrible state of many houses and apartment buildings in the capital, and especially in Centro and Old Havana, has the residents very concerned.

Meanwhile, near-hurricane Marco is heading for the US Gulf Coast where it may arrive on Monday afternoon. Laura will have the same destination between Texas and Louisiana for Wednesday or Thursday.

We will continue to inform.

National Hurricane Center projection cone for Tropical Storm Marco at 10 AM on Sunday August 23, 2020.

One thought on “Cuba Sounds the Alarm over Tropical Storm Laura

  • We who love Cuba and Cubans will be thinking about all of you.

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