Cuban Environmentalists: There is No Planet B

There Is No Planet B

HAVANA TIMES – In tune with Climate Week and the World Climate Strike, this Friday, September 27, Cuban environmentalists announced an initiative that they have named Friday for the Forest.

The call, made by the Guardabosques and Dame la Mano projects, invites to meet in the Bosque de La Habana, near the bank of the Almendares River, for a collection of plastic waste.

“We will be demonstrating our commitment to love and defend our environment in an effort to help restore the environmental balance wherever we are. It will also be an opportunity to strengthen alliances between projects, organizations and environmentalists in Cuba, and consolidate the movement. ”

The date is set for Friday, September 27 starting 3:30 pm.

You can come with your family, friends or neighbor; we need to involve many people in this action and in the struggle to preserve the environment. There is no planet B, so we are obliged to take care of the one we have.