Cuban President Calls for End to Blockade
Biden Voices Support for Cuban Protesters

HAVANA TIMES – President Biden said Monday he stands with the Cuban people, in response to thousands taking to the streets of Cuba over the weekend in rare anti-government protests denouncing the island’s economic crisis during the pandemic — which has been exacerbated by catastrophic U.S. sanctions. This is White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.
Press Secretary Jen Psaki: “There’s every indication that yesterday’s protests were spontaneous expressions of people who are exhausted with the Cuban government’s economic mismanagement and repression. And those — these are protests inspired by the harsh reality of everyday life in Cuba, not people in another country.”
Thousands of people also participated in counterprotests in favor of the Cuban Revolution and Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who accused the U.S. of instigating the anti-government actions and urged the Biden administration to end the U.S. blockade.
President Miguel Díaz-Canel: “Is it not very hypocritical and cynical that you block me, that you, who carry out policy that violates human rights of an entire people for more than 60 years, intensify it in the midst of a situation as complex as the pandemic, and you want to present yourself as the big savior? Lift the blockade. Lift the 243 measures, and we will see how we get along.”
Biden said “We stand with the Cuban people.” What incredible hypocrisy. Biden is standing behind the 60 year embargo and the extensions enacted by Trump. If he stood with the Cuban people. He would stop the embargo and covert undermining of the government – like the recent US Aid call for proposals for democracy promotion.
Let’s help the Cuban people, cancel the embargo and covert undermining of the Cuban government and respect sovereignty.
There may be much wrong with Cuban economic policy, but let’s respect Cuba’s commitment to social justice ( when the economy allows) and support their evolution.
John Bohannon,
I think you are being a bit naive. At present, there is no blockade on food and most medicine but that doesn’t mean that the blockade doesn’t have an effect on the economy. Hillary Clinton said when she was vice president that 20% of Cuba’s problems were due to the blockade. I would say it is more like 35% or more since Trump’s time. This includes not only having to pay higher prices for some things but also companies who are more reluctant to invest or do business with Cuba. Also access to raw materials for medicine etc.
You can’t separate one sector of the economy and say “they have access to food and medicine so they are fine. It has as an effect on the productivity on other sectors. If the population doesn’t have much money to buy homegrown agricultural products then the farmers don’t get much money to buy equipment or hire more farmhands which would allow them to increase their productivity.
This isn’t to say that Cuba doesn’t have its own self-made problems as well. Also lets not forget the pandemic and its disastrous effect on tourism.
A lot of pro-blockade commentators seem to justify it on the basis that it doesn’t do any harm but also say that it is a good excuse for the government for its own failures. I really don’t understand the logic of this cruel game.
I agree with Diaz-Canel that the blockade should go and see how they get on. If they don’t manage to make headway then they won’t have the blockade as an excuse and they will be overthrown.
What I can’t figure out is why the Cuban government allowed in US internet content such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.? They have done such a good job jamming radio and tv Marti and Voice of America for many years, but they let their guard down with the internet so that now US psychological warriors have direct access to the Cuban public. Unless Cuba shuts down the US apps, it will have to deal with the CIA’s billion dollar psychological warfare campaign. That won’t be easy but Cuba has overcome serious challenges before. Perhaps Cuba’s people are not aware of how much better their lives are than of those poor souls in nearby unblockaded capitalist countries such as Haiti, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Yes Moses you are correct, Diaz-Canel is confident that the U.S. will not lift santions. That would would take the last arrow from his quiver. He the knows that the covid excuse is not going to work long, but the embargo myth is time tested, it’s worked for 60 years. With the internet and social media the cuban people are waking up to the fact that there is no embargo of food, medicenor medical equipment from the U.S. And if there was an embargo in place Cuba could still buy food or medicine from any other country in the world. But that takes hard currency and the PCC thinks that those dollars are better spent on thier own welfare, the Generals and to build new hotels that will sit empty as old beautiful appartments and homes even along the Malicon crumble from neglect. Well as the Cuban people have grown to shrug and say ” It’s only to laugh”.
Diaz-Canel understands full well that the US will not unilaterally lift the embargo. He would be smart to offer some measure of democratic reforms.