Daniel Ortega Minions Threaten to Kill Journalist Jennifer Ortiz
…Director of Nicaragua Investiga
HAVANA TIMES – After the director of the Nicaragua Investiga digital platform, Jennifer Ortiz, denounced the assault and theft suffered by reporter Hans Lawrence by supporters of the Ortega regime, they began to threaten her with death through social networks.
Ortiz blamed Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo for directing the attacks on independent journalists who covered the mass for the poet Ernesto Cardenal in the Managua Cathedral, on March 3.
On Saturday Ortiz denounced that the latest threats of supporters of Ortega-Murillo who try to intimidate “but will not succeed. These people are the reflection of what their leadership instills in them,” said the journalist.
In one of the messages Ortiz disclosed, the person threatening said: “we are not holding anything back against the administrators of these traitorous digital platforms. For you there is no police and we are going to kill you.”
Another death threat against the Nicaraguan Investiga team points out that they are going “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
Jennifer Ortiz founded the Nicaragua Investiga platform when the civic insurrection began in April 2018, to break the siege of censorship that Daniel Ortega dictates in Nicaragua. The journalist was forced into exile in Costa Rica for death threats. Despite not having and guarantees of safety, at the end of 2019 she decided to return to her country to continue reporting. Now the threats have returned.