Estranged Daughter of Fidel Castro Returns to Cuba after 21 Years

Alina Fernandez. Photo:

HAVANA TIMES — Alina Fernandez Revuelta, daughter of former President Fidel Castro who fled Cuba 21 years ago, returned to the island to visit her sick mother, reported dpa news on Wednesday.

Fernandez, settled for years in Florida after escaping from Cuba in 1993 with a false Spanish passport and disguised as a tourist, arrived Sunday to Havana.

The journalist’s mother, Natalia Revuelta, 88, is seriously ill in a hospital, according to reports. Apparently, the government of Raul Castro approved the temporary private visit.

Alina Fernández was born in 1956 as the illegitimate daughter of Fidel Castro and Natalia Fernandez. The 58-year-old journalist has repeatedly expressed criticism of the Castro government.

In 1997 she published her autobiography, “Castro’s Daughter: An Exile’s Memoir of Cuba,” which takes a critical look at the situation of the island and the relationship with her father. Fernandez has noted previously that she no contact with his father.

As part of the reforms adopted in recent years, the government of Raul Castro allows the temporary return of some Cubans who fled the island, after a certain period of time has elapsed.

3 thoughts on “Estranged Daughter of Fidel Castro Returns to Cuba after 21 Years

  • President Zuma of South Africa (an admirer of Fidel Castro) has turned into something of a “Champagne Socialist since becoming President of South Africa
    Duduzane Zuma (1st son) is on the board of JIC Mining services, Sahara Holdings and Shiva Uranium. He also has links to a variety of construction and investment companies
    Edward Zuma (2nd son); has links with an equal number of companies, mainly petroleum and banking. He has been in local papers lately for defaulting on loans from local banks to the tune of US $ 500 000. A wedding planner has also taken him to court for not paying for his nuptials; US $ 150 000.
    Zuma has 3 more children with equally impressive portfolios. I could go on and on but would risk losing my audience.
    Gotta admire these communists with such business acumen.

  • Stalin’s wife, and the mother of the daughter who defected, shot herself after an argument with Stalin.

    Mao’s son Anquing was abandoned by his father and lived most of his life in mental institutions.

    Isabel dos Santos, daughter of the Angolan president installed by the Cuban FAR, is one of the wealthiest people in Africa, owning a telecom, retail & real estate empire worth billions.

  • It would be interesting to know the parental history of the 20th century dictators. Stalin’s daughter also abandoned her father and country to enter the USA. Are there others?

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