Fruit & Veggies in Havana – Photo of the Day

How you can participate in the Photo of the Day
HAVANA TIMES – You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send a picture (in black and white or color), that you consider with quality to be published. Indicate where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell phone you used and a short description of it.
Send us your name and country of residence to this email address: [email protected]
If you would like to see the photos of past days click here.
True, there is little to nothing available in the TRDs for villagers of Villa Clara. There was a pail of cooking oil for $40CUC. My friend said to me today,
aquí no han. vendido nada más en la tiendas. Estamos pasando un hambre.
Congratulations upon finding an unusually well laden cart of fruit and produce. Oh that it were commonplace.