G7 Calls on Daniel Ortega to End Repression in Nicaragua

In the document, the G7 foreign ministers urged Ortega to release political prisoners, currently totaling 138.
HAVANA TIMES – The Foreign Ministers of the G7 called on the Ortega regime to end human rights violations as well as widespread repression in Nicaragua. They also urged the immediate and unconditional release of political prisoners.
In the G7 Foreign Ministers’ Declaration from Italy 2024 on how to address global challenges and foster partnerships, a chapter was dedicated to addressing the human rights crisis in Nicaragua.
“We call on the Nicaraguan government to end its human rights violations, as well as widespread repression and related violations and abuses against civil society, indigenous peoples, academics, students, independent press, and political and religious actors,” the declaration states.
In the document, the G7 ministers urged Ortega to release political prisoners, currently totaling 138.
“We urge the authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners and comply with their international obligations.”

They also condemned the closure of civil society organizations and systematic attacks on religious institutions and organizations, including the Catholic Church and its ministers, many of whom have been arrested and then sent into exile, along with hundreds of political activists and civil society members.
They also lamented the stripping of citizenship of over 300 Nicaraguans by the Sandinista regime. “We call on the government to restore citizenship under international conventions.”
Additionally, “we call on the Nicaraguan government to hold free and fair elections, allowing opposition members to exercise their rights to freedom of assembly and expression.”
G7 Committed to Free Societies
In the declaration, the G7 Foreign Ministers composed of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and the High Representative of the European Union, reaffirmed their commitment to defending the rule of law, humanitarian principles, and international law, including the United Nations Charter, and to protect the human rights and dignity of all individuals.
“We reiterate the need to take collective action to preserve peace and stability and address global challenges such as climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, global health, education, gender inequality, poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition, violent extremism and terrorism, information integrity, and a digital transition that respects, protects, and promotes human rights and fundamental freedoms,” they emphasize.
They also reaffirmed their commitment to free societies and democratic principles, where all individuals can freely exercise their rights and freedoms.
“Human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent, and interrelated.”
The foreign ministers highlighted that global challenges require solidarity and a cohesive international response, “seeking shared solutions for peace, stability, and development, leaving no one behind.”