Havana Weather for March 24-30

Photo: Juan Suárez

Cold front arriving in western Cuba

By Yanet Diaz

HAVANA TIMES – A prefrontal trough has been affecting western Cuba in recent hours, causing some scattered showers near coastal areas. This weather situation is expected to persist for two more days, together with a further drop in temperatures and a slight increase in the intensity of the winds.

We will have cloudy days with isolated showers until Friday, then good weather conditions will prevail with partly cloudy skies and cool temperatures, especially the lows. The winds will be mainly from the east, with speeds between 15 and 30 km/h, with some higher gusts. Humidity will range between 45 and 90%. The high temperatures will be between 25 and 32°C (77 and 90 F), and the lows between 19 and 23°C (66 and 73 F). The sea surface temperature will remain at 26°C (79 F).

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times

One thought on “Havana Weather for March 24-30

  • I love Cuba. I had a Cuban girlfriend in Havana for two years who I desperately tried to bring over to the UK on the “pretence of her coming for a holiday”
    The UK Embassy in Havana blocked her application to come thinking it would be a one way ticket for her, so
    it sadly never happened.
    I love the country, the people, the music the dance which seems to be engrained into Cuban culture and despite the enduring hardships , the peoples enduring opitmism and love of life
    My heart is an will remain in your lovely island
    Martin Tibbetts

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