Hemingway’s Home in Havana – Photo of the Day

Hemingway’s Finca Vigia, Havana, Cuba.  By Pete Little Canada.  Camera: Panasonic DMC ZS1


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3 thoughts on “Hemingway’s Home in Havana – Photo of the Day

  • It is Hemingway’s original house. The “museum” is in a ramshackle white building, across the driveway from Hemingway’s house. I was first there in 1969 or 1970, when you could still enter the house. At that time, I even pulled a book from the shelves and read a few pages, then picked up some of the Look magazines that Mary had left behind on the end tables. When I returned, in 2010 or 2012, this was all off limits, of course. At that time you could only look in through the (open) windows. Also, at that time there were some major restoration efforts underway. There were several young scholars, all white-gloved, carefully taking out books from the book cases and assessing their condition, and reserving some for restoration elsewhere. Just like his home 90 miles to the north in Key West, there was a tower separated from the house, ordered built by Mary, where Hemingway was supposed to do his writing; he preferred standing up and typing in (I think) his bedroom, rather than using the upper tower room, though I believe he had a telescope there which I suspect he used to point towards other places in Greater Habana rather than to the cosmos.

  • I guess you mean that that building is not the original house where Hemingway lived. However, it is part of the Museum that is in Finca Vigía. Regards!

  • That is not Finca Vigia, not even close.

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