High-Level OAS Commission on Being Banned from Entering Nicaragua
The Ortega government was informed of the intention of the visit; they assure that “their work will continue”

Refusal of the dictatorship reaffirms the decision to maintain a “policy of State terrorism,” warns the opposition Blue and White Unity movement.
HAVANA TIMES – The High Level Commission of the Organization of American States (OAS), made up of the representatives of Paraguay, Jamaica, United States, Canada and Argentina, expressed their “discomfort” over the decision of the Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo dictatorship, to prohibit their entry to Nicaragua.
“The trip planned for September 16 and 17, had as a goal to fulfill its mandate of carrying out diplomatic efforts to seek a peaceful and effective solution to the political and social crisis in Nicaragua,” said the press release divulged on the organization’s website.
Through the Directorate of Immigration, the Ortega dictatorship informed the airlines managers that operate in the country, that as of Saturday, September 14th, the entry into Nicaragua was prohibited to Leopoldo Sahores, Sebastian Sigouin, Elisa Diaz, Carlos Trujillo and Audrey Patrice Marks, representatives of Argentina, Canada, Paraguay, United States and Jamaica, all members of the High Level Commission.
The document sent to the station managers of the airlines operating in the country and signed by Brigadier Commander Juan Emilio Rivas, Director General Director of Immigration, also prohibited the entry to Gonzalo Koncke, Chief of Staff of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), and of Pablo Sandino Martinez, press officer of this organization. Konchke denied to Confidencial that he was to travel to Managua on Monday, as has been reported on social networks.
“The Nicaraguan Government had been informed of the trip given the Commission’s intention to engage in a constructive way with its authorities as well as relevant civil society stakeholders in order to set up a dialogue process to reach such solution” to the situation that the country is going through, explains the Commission in the press release.
Likewise, it stressed its decision to continue with the tasks entrusted by the General Assembly in the face of the deterioration of democratic institutions and human rights in Nicaragua. It also called on the Government to review its position and allow them to enter the country to carry out its mandate.
Carlos Trujillo, permanent representative of the United States to the OAS, wrote in his Twitter account that blocking the entry to the OAS Commission, is another sign that Ortega is not interested in taking constructive measures to put an end to the repression and reform the political system. “The support of the US and the region to Nicaraguans will remain firm,” he said.
The Argentinian Government condemned the decision of the Sandinista dictatorship to prohibit the entry into Nicaragua of the Commission. The press release published by the Foreign Ministry expresses that the decision, implemented through an Immigration’s communique that indicated the arrival of the flight of the members of the Commission, “constitutes an unusual event because it is reserved information.”
“Argentina, as well as other members of the international community, has denounced the serious human rights violations and the deterioration of the democratic institutions that takes place in Nicaragua as of April 2018 and has had an active participation at the OAS in the search for a solution. The Argentinian Government calls on the Nicaraguan Government to review its position and allow the OAS Commission to enter,” the press release concludes.
Irrational decision
The Blue and White National Unity (UNAB) issued a statement in which it describes as “irrational” and “inappropriate,” the dictatorship’s decision to prohibit entry to the OAS High Level Commission. It noted that this is another example of Ortega’s unwillingness to meet the demands of the people in general.
“This attitude shows the fear they have to reveal, once again in situ, all their lies and trickery that they can no longer hide, as well as the contempt for the efforts of the international community. With this unfortunate and reputable act, the dictatorship demonstrates its decision to uphold a policy of State terrorism and of permanent violation of our human rights and the principles and commitments of the Democratic Charter signed by the State of Nicaragua,” the statement said.
UNAB reiterated its adherence to international procedures and instruments and urged the OAS and the international community to redouble efforts diplomatic efforts and actions so that Nicaragua be guided on the path of true democracy.
“We believe that it is important to accelerate accountability through the report of the Special Commission, to proceed as soon as possible to take the necessary measures, including the convening of an extraordinary session of the OAS General Assembly, and to make use of said instruments,” refers UNAB.
For his part, Mario Arana, a negotiating member of the Civic Alliance, urged the Government to reconsider its decision, since it is not in this way that the crisis affecting the country since April last year will be resolved.
Arana asserted that the Alliance maintains communication with the members of the Commission, and that in one way or another they will meet with the representatives of that organization. He did not clarify whether inside or outside the country.
“We have to keep the communication, the strategy coordinated. The High Level Commission has made an approach, at least we have seen it from Argentina, for the decision to be reconsidered. I think that is what should be done. Here, this country will not get out of the crisis if we do not build a new consensus, and that means joint decisions,” Arana emphasized.