Israel Death Toll Tops 1,300 as Newly Formed War Cabinet Vows to Wipe Hamas Off Face of Earth

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Israel, the death toll from Hamas’s surprise assault has climbed to 1,300, with 3,300 Israelis injured. An estimated 150 Israelis are being held by Hamas as hostages. Israel’s former defense minister, the opposition party leader and retired general Benny Gantz, said he would join an emergency wartime government and a war cabinet led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and current Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. On Wednesday, Netanyahu said every Hamas member was “a dead man,” while Gallant said he would wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth. The remarks came amid widespread reports Israeli troops are massing for a ground invasion of Gaza.

Gaza Death Toll Tops 1,350 as Relentless Israeli Assault Worsens Humanitarian Crisis

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – Gaza’s humanitarian crisis is deepening as Israel continues to pummel the besieged Palestinian territory with air and artillery attacks for a sixth straight day, reducing whole neighborhoods to rubble. Gaza’s Ministry of Health says Israel’s attacks have killed more than 1,350 Palestinians and wounded more than 6,000. More than 320 children are among the dead. Survivors have been seen searching the rubble of their homes for lost possessions — and food.

Azaam Shamiya: “We left our homes thinking we would return in an hour. We left our belongings, money, food and everything we owned. Now there are 50 people left homeless without food, drink, water or electricity. I do not know how we will provide food for our children. I am searching here under the rubble for even the remains of lentils and rice, even a little for my children.”

Israel’s energy minister said no basic resources or humanitarian aid, including water, will be allowed into Gaza until Hamas releases hostages. His warning came after Gaza’s only power station ran out of fuel, plunging the territory into darkness. The International Committee of the Red Cross warned in a statement, “As Gaza loses power, hospitals lose power, putting newborns in incubators and elderly patients on oxygen at risk. Kidney dialysis stops, and X-rays can’t be taken. Without electricity, hospitals risk turning into morgues.”

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, reports at least 340,000 Palestinians have been displaced across the Gaza Strip. UNRWA also reports Israeli strikes have killed nine U.N. staffers since Saturday, with bombs damaging 18 schools being used as makeshift shelters. UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza City was also damaged by an Israeli strike.

Read more news here on Havana Times

2 thoughts on “Israel Death Toll Tops 1,300 as Newly Formed War Cabinet Vows to Wipe Hamas Off Face of Earth

  • Palestinians were victims for last 75 years
    Jews deserve a nation ! But where ?
    Note the timing ! Us cannot afford oil shock !
    Oil shock wil push us into recession ! Oil shock is what putin wants !
    Oil shock will boost iran !
    Us will not send troops into gaza or israel !
    Us will also not name iran as the brain or financier of the attack !
    So israel will have a political defeat and may also suffer a military defeat !
    Can israel fight a 2 front war with mujahids ? No !
    Can israel fight a 2 front war with 2 nations !?
    Mujahideen is not the same as a nation !
    Holy war has commenced
    Hamas believes that they are fulfilling a prophecy !
    Israel also believes that the are fulfiling a prophecy !
    Israel had hired 800 rabbis to chant incantations in al aqsa for its destruction – a few months ago !
    That was the pretext for hamas – and will be for hezb and all arabs !
    So it was planned by mossad that way ! Mossad knew it all along !
    It is not an int failure!
    The provocation was deliberate as benjamin is a part of right wing coalition ! The rabbis arm twisted him ! The right wing coalition is ultra orthodox and believe that starting an apocalyptic war – will lead to salvation !
    And some rabbis believe that the said apocalyptic war will destroy israel !
    There is an islamic prophecy that all the jews are being gathered in israel – to make them a target !
    Is israel being run by a suicide cult ? This is not 1973 !
    Once arabs sense that israel will lose – they might move in ! Dindooohindoo

  • Instead of using the vast amount of aid money from western countries to build infrastructure like reliable water and electricity, Hamas spent the money on rockets and munitions.

    Gazans voted for Hamas to run their affairs. Now they must atone for their leader’s barbaric attack of innocent Israeli citizens.

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