Nearly 700 Britons who Docked in Cuba are in Route to London

HAVANA TIMES – The nearly 700 tired British passengers on the MS Braemar cruise ship operated by the Fred Olsen company are in route to England on four separate chartered flights.
Cuba allowed the MS Braemar to dock in its waters on Wednesday after several Caribbean island nations – including Commonwealth states Barbados and the Bahamas – declined UK requests, noted the Daily Mail.
Fred Olsen Cruise Lines confirmed that the passengers flew out from Havana’s airport on the four aircraft. Those who were either positive with the coronavirus or ill and under observation flew out on a separate plane.
Those not considered well enough to fly were to be offered support and medical treatment in Cuba, said Fred Olsen. However, no numbers of those staying behind were made public thus far.
The Cuban government has acknowledged 11 confirmed coronavirus cases to date on the island, and one death, an Italian tourist.