Ortega Expels Journalist Nohelia Gonzalez from Nicaragua

Journalist Nohelia Gonzalez with Monsignor Rolando Alvarez in 2019.

By 100% Noticias

HAVANA TIMES – The regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo expelled journalist Nohelia Gonzalez from Nicaragua this Tuesday, sources confirmed to 100% Noticias. Gonzalez was head of information at the newspaper La Prensa and then went on to work at the Catholic TV Channel of Nicaragua. After the physical closure of the Catholic channel, González went on to work for a non-governmental organization.

100% Noticias learned through neighbors that the police arrived at Nohelia’s house at 6 in the morning, took her out of her house, and then took her to the Augusto C. Sandino International Airport to expel her from her country, Nicaragua. We learned that Gonzalez’s destination was Panama. “We don’t know why they decided to send her to Panama,” the source told 100% Noticias.

The Ortega Murillo regime has intensified the persecution against journalists, even those who no longer worked in media outlets. Nohelia kept photographs on her Facebook with Monsignor Rolando Alvarez, bishop of Matagalpa, who was exiled to Rome after being released from prison.

On the Catholic channel, which was directed by Alvarez, Gonzalez presented an interview program called “People of God,” and the frequent guest was Monsignor ÁAvarez. In 2019, the last publication shows Alvarez and González talking about the bishop’s 25 years of priesthood at that time. They also discussed “the country’s situation, politics and politicians, the role of the Church, and what Nicaragua needs to overcome the crisis,” according to the post Nohelia maintained on her Facebook.

The regime has maintained a policy of exile, expulsion, and stripping of nationality against Nicaraguans as part of the State’s repression of critical voices in the country.

Read more from Nicaragua here on Havana Times.