Personal Experiences Involving Relationships in Cuba

HAVANA TIMES – The post last week by Irina Pino writing about a friend’s sad experience of being deceived by her Cuban lover/husband as well as a religious scam has caused quite a stir.
Yes, as many commenters have stated such things happen in all countries and the deceit for monetary gain, sex, status, etc. can occur by the locals and the foreigners alike.
In this case, Irina was talking specifically about Cuba and the past experience of a friend, which can be a warning so that others do not fall into the trap.
We welcome readers to chime in with their experiences to continue the discussion. Some commenters criticize the topic as trivial, unimportant, but in my opinion it is quite real and deserves addressing, even more so as tourism to Cuba increases.
Its the same the whole world over! But do please include those marriages to Cubans that have been successful. My wife is a black Cubana with her initial Licentiate and later Mastria degrees. I am white. We met over seven years ago in a small town in Cuba and have been married for four and a half. Our home is in Cuba and we also have one in Canada. I commute to Cuba for two long periods per year (total 7 months) and my wife averages over two months a year in Canada. Like most successful marriages, we have many mutual interests in our case including education, biology, art and walking.
I say this to indicate to others that the concept of Cuba as “the trap” are erroneous.