President of Panama: “No Progress” with Fugitive Martinelli

Panamanian President Jose Raul Mulino speaks during a press conference. Photo: EFE/ Carlos Lemos

Jose Raul Mulino said Martinelli’s asylum in the Nicaraguan embassy “is a matter being handled at the level of the judiciary, not the Executive branch”

By EFE (Confidencial)

HAVANA TIMES – The President of Panama, Jose Raul Mulino, stated on Thursday that “there is no progress” in the situation of former President Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014), who is seeking asylum in the Nicaraguan Embassy following a conviction for corruption. Mulino, who was Martinelli’s substitute candidate in the last elections, also noted that this case is being “handled by the judiciary” and not by the Executive branch.

“The case of Mr. Martinelli remains the same. There is no progress nor request for a safe-conduct. It is a matter being handled at the level of the judiciary and not the Executive branch,” the Panamanian president said in his weekly press conference.

Martinelli has been residing in the Nicaraguan Embassy since March 2024, when his candidacy for the elections, in which Mulino ran as his vice president, was disqualified after he was sentenced to more than ten years in prison for money laundering.

A safe-conduct exit is a legal option that the former Panamanian president could use to travel as an asylum seeker to Nicaragua, a country that hosts him at its diplomatic headquarters in Panama, considering him “politically persecuted.”

However, the previous government, led by Laurentino Cotizo (2019-2024), denied him that document to travel to the neighboring country because of his conviction by the judiciary. According to the information provided by Mulino today, it has not been requested again so far.

Martinelli, the third former Central American president to seek asylum in Nicaragua governed by Daniel Ortega since 2007, was involved in significant corruption cases such as the Odebrecht scandal, illegal wiretapping, and others involving the Spanish multinational FCC. He considers his conviction and sentencing “political trials.”

Mulino Refers Less and Less to Martinelli

Since seeking refuge in the Nicaraguan embassy, Martinelli vigorously supported Mulino’s rushed candidacy, who won the May 5 elections with 34.4% of the votes, in an unexpected turn of events, after the Supreme Court declared three days earlier that his candidacy was not unconstitutional, as had been alleged because he was not chosen in a primary —as the law dictates— but was directly appointed by the former president.

Several analysts predicted the “shadow” of former President Martinelli over Mulino’s administration. Mulino has repeatedly stated that he is the president but has also clarified that he is willing to help his “friend.”

Since taking office on July 1, Mulino mentions Martinelli less frequently. However, he has appointed in his government some officials from Martinelli’s administration, in which he himself served as Minister of Security.


Originally published in Spanish by Confidencial and translated and published in English by Havana Times.

Read more from Nicaragua here on Havana Times.

One thought on “President of Panama: “No Progress” with Fugitive Martinelli

  • In a way I expected Mulino to be proactive with the Martinelli situation. But this does not seem to be the case, if Mulino decides to do nothing and Martinelli ends up in jail, the Panamanian people will most likely end up disappointed. To me personally that seems to be the best option.

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