Protesters Demand “Not Another Bomb” on Gaza in Marches Across the Globe

HAVANA TIMES – On Sunday, protesters took to the streets in dozens of cities across the United States on the eve of the DNC to demand “Not Another Bomb” on Gaza. Demonstrations also took place in cities across the globe, including in Amsterdam, where massive crowds rallied to condemn the Dutch government over its failure to hold Israel accountable.

Marleen: “Since October, I’ve been going to all the demonstrations with my kids, because that’s all we can do. I can’t believe what I’m seeing with my eyes. And I hope this, inshallah, will end soon, because this is not normal. Almost a year, we’ve been watching blown-up children, blown-up mothers, fathers. I don’t have words. It breaks me. It breaks us all. This just has to stop now.”

Read more news here on Havana Times.