Reflections in Las Terrazas – Photo of the Day

Reflections in Las Terrazas, Artemisa. Taken by Caridad, Cuba. Camera: Nikon Coolpix


Submit your pictures to our Photo of the Day section

HAVANA TIMES – has a new section to share with our bloggers and readers. It is the Photo of the Day. You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send an image (in black and white or color), with a photo caption indicating where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell you used, and a small description about it.

The section will be open to any subject and photographic genre. We will make a selection on a daily basis and the photo will be shared not only on the site, but also on our social networks. Later we will publish some themes for each day of the week, to make it more fun and to facilitate the selection because we are sure that there will be many interested in this new section.

Note: it is better for our format if you send horizontal orientation pictures.  Even square will work but vertical is a problem.

For now, the subject is open. Are you game?

Send your picture with your name and birth country, or where you reside, to this email address: [email protected]