San Lazaro Santuary Awaits the Flood
Luis Rondon Paz

HAVANA TIMES — Starting December 13 the town of Rincón on the outskirts of Havana becomes one of the most visited sites in the country by people from all provinces of the country and even abroad, who show their respect to the image of San Lazaro (Saint Lazarus) at its National Sanctuary.
A worker at the shrine told HT that all staff of the church, together with volunteers, prepare for these dates from three months in advance, intensifying their work at the center in order to get everything ready for December at the religious center.
Sergio Cabrera, a priest in the churches of Santiago de Las Vegas and El Rincón, said an estimated 28,000 people visited the church on December 13 of this year, double the amount from the year before.
With San Lazaro Day being December 17, and the tens of thousands of visitors expected, the Police will close El Rincon to vehicle traffic by Monday evening and visitors must arrive on foot from Santiago de las Vegas.