The Caribbean Sea from Al’s House, Varadero – Photo of the Day

How you can participate in the Photo of the Day
HAVANA TIMES – You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send a picture (in black and white or color), that you consider with quality to be published. Indicate where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell phone you used and a short description of it.
Send us your name and country of residence to this email address: [email protected]
Our Photo of the Day Grows – Here’s a New Proposal
We have a new proposal for all lovers of our Photo of the Day section.
Once a month we will select a photographer whom we have published, and you will have the possibility, if you wish, to publish in Havana Times a photographic essay or set of photos of the subject that seems best to you.
They can be horizontal and vertical, color or black and white.
If you are already interested, you can send between five and 12 photos to the same email of Photo of the Day [email protected] .
I’ve been to La Casa de Al and this is not it. This one is the Xanadu mansion by the golf course.
I visited Capone’s in Varadero November 2019. I do not recall seeing a setting like this facing the ocean.
And if it is Varadero, it can’t be the Caribbean Sea.
Appears to be the walk in front of the DuPont mansion near the VRA golf course.
This is actually a picture from the restaurant at the Xanadu Mansion (Dupont House) in Varadero, Cuba.
I have been there and this is the exact view from the covered outdoor patio area of the restaurant.
Traveling to Cuba for the first time Jan.16th 2020. Any must see suggestions. Thank you.
I never had the grand opportunity of visiting Varadero but I’d known of its fame since I was a child. It must be one of those magical places.
While this is a lovely photo, it is not Casa d Al’s in Varadero. I would suggest it isn’t even Varadero.