Tsunami Warning Off for Cuba

By Circles Robinson

HAVANA TIMES, Jan 13 — The powerful 7.0 earthquake that hit Haiti on Tuesday afternoon led to a Tsunami warning on the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Cuba and Haiti itself to be posted by The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; but later in the evening the alert was canceled.

The earthquake reportedly caused extensive damage in the Haitian capital but night fall and a total power outage left rescue workers in the dark as to the extent of the damage caused or the number of dead.

CNN reported from Port au Prince, that “many people were killed.”  The news channel said the Haitian Presidential Palace was one of the many fallen buildings.

The last earthquake in the Caribbean region close in magnitude was a 6.7 quake in 1984, said US Geological Survey (USGS) analyst Dale Grant quoted by AP.

The Cuban Civil Defense System is closely following the after events of the major earthquake whose center was located at only 22 kilometers (14 miles) west of Port au Prince, Haiti.