US Supreme Court Guts Clean Water Act
HAVANA TIMES – The US Supreme Court has sharply limited the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency to protect and preserve wetlands under the Clean Water Act, a landmark, half-century-old environmental law. Thursday’s 5-4 majority opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, effectively ends protections for about half of all the wetlands in the contiguous United States. Conservation groups called the ruling a devastating setback for clean water and called on Congress to pass new legislation protecting wetlands. This is White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “The court’s decision today aims to take our country backwards. It will jeopardize the sources of clean drinking water for farmers, businesses and millions of Americans. Look, the Clean Water Act is the reason why America’s lakes today are swimmable, why we can fish in our streams and rivers, and why safe drinking water comes out of our taps.”
Yeah, no they didn’t gut anything, the rules were too stringent and burdensome for farmers and landowners that had streams and ponds on their property, just plain government intrusion that wasn’t needed, believe me there still tons of laws protecting the waters in the US. Regulation never goes away and in this case it was way more legislation that wasn’t needed, nice to see some common sense. Trump rolled these extreme regulations back, but Brandon loves passing onerous laws on the citizens of the US.