Villa Clara 2-Up on Ciego de Avila

Leonys Martin homered for Villa Clara.

HAVANA TIMES, March 13 — Leonys Martin broke open a 1-1 pitching duel with a two-run homer to start off a five-run seventh inning rally to lead Villa Clara to a 6-1 win Friday night over Ciego de Avila.

Vill Clara now holds a 2-0 lead in the Eastern Division Cuban baseball playoffs.

Luis Borroto completely shut down the Ciego de Avila offense allowing only four hits in going the route.

The losing pitcher was Jose Antonio Barroso who came in relief and got Ciego out of bases loaded jam in the fifth.

The series now moves to Ciego de Avila for game three on Sunday.

Meanwhile, in the Western Division finals, Industriales (2-0) plays at home Saturday in the Latinoamericano Stadium in the capital against Havana Province.  The match is a sure sell out of over 50,000 fans.