Yoani Sanchez on Voice of America

Blogger Yoani Sanchez. Photo: archive/HT

HAVANA TIMES, March 21 — An exclusive interview with Cuba’s multi-award winning blogger Yoani Sanchez was aired today by Voice of America, official mouthpiece of the US government.

Sanchez said she looks forward to the upcoming visit by Pope Benedict XVI, not because she expects anything monumental from the Vatican leader but because of the side effect of having flocks of foreign press in the country.

“The island will experience days of international scrutiny, where many journalists, pilgrims and people from outside will come for the event. It’s a good opportunity to show them the real Cuba; to report what is actually happening.

“We will become a showcase, where activists, bloggers and Twitter users have the responsibility to show the real side of the country and not official one,” said Sanchez.