Caribbean Terror – (Cartoons)

HAVANA TIMES – We dedicate our drawings this week to the outrageous handling of the situation of Cuban artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and the activists arrested in the recent Obispo St. demonstration demanding his freedom.
The case of Luis Manuel does not stop having a macabre tone. They insist on keeping a person isolated in a health institution, while in each new video that they filter he appears in worse physical and mental conditions. He’s been held incommunicado now for 21 days.
Perhaps we are in the presence of a new subgenre of independent cinema, Caribbean Horror. Suffer, Lars von Trier and Dogma 95! Meanwhile, the video of the protest activists on Obispo Street and their arrest could well be called “Constitutional Concoction.”
Unfortunately, they do not take the slightest care in the realization of these audiovisuals. Every so often you see a sound man on camera and the special effects are crappy. In turn, the extras on the sidelines follow the reality show looking for bread.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes