History Won’t Absolve Them, Not Even When They’re Dead

By Benjamin Noria
HAVANA TIMES – In October, Cuban President Miguel Mario Diaz-Canel gave a press conference that was broadcast by Cubavision TV. In this conference, he said that MSMEs on the island aren’t run or managed by high-ranking State officials.
That is to say, we are supposed to believe that none of the generals, none of the generals’ children, none of the ministers’ children, or Fidel or Raul Castro’s children or grandchildren, for example, own some of these micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
How can I find a way to believe this lie? Aren’t generals’ children and grandchildren supposedly working for the Cuban State and living off the wages they get? Are these people capable of giving up on having businesses that bring in great revenue?
I have seen on Facebook and Instagram how Raul and Fidel Castro’s children and grandchildren move about in luxury cars and put on parties with all kinds of things. They show off on Facebook with videos where they post all of the things they own.
In fact, this year, a spokesperson for the Castro family had to come forward and say on social media that Sandro Castro, one of Fidel’s grandchildren, was a disgrace to the family, because he frequently posts photos that show off his luxury goods, and that isn’t right.
The poor family! Sandro is dragging the family’s ethic – which is spotless – through the mud, all on his own. They’re immaculate. But anyway… as blame is a heavy burden, they need to blame somebody. Sandro is the rotten potato in the bag and is making the rest go bad.
In reality, the Government gets off scot-free because there is no anti-corruption law in Cuba to prevent, identify and sanction administrative offences and corruption, or to tax and control public resources.
Well, this is why they can be owners of MSMEs, do shady business with moguls from other countries, and then show off their luxury estate with photos. Anyway, there is a totalitarian government in Cuba and they own the country. They’re untouchable.
We have to be patient and wait. The country is going to explode at any time. They know that there is no way to save it from the decadence and dissolution of the system and the government that is coming. So, when Communism falls and documents begin to leak, we’ll know the level of administrative corruption that existed here.
Don’t worry, we’ll know how public positions were used wrongfully for personal, family or group benefits at the expense of the State. All of the abuses of power, embezzlement.
We’ll see the photos of private yachts, clubs, private companies in other countries, bank accounts. And if possible, we’ll also see how many of them will be lynched or taken to trial in criminal courts. There is a lot of pent-up hate here. They have caused a lot of hardship and have separated families.
History won’t absolve them.
None of this is anything new. Not for any of the totalitarian regimes around the world and especially not for Cuba. Nearly all of the Castro offspring have at one time or another been exposed as hypocrites. But think about it, papa Fidel himself had a yacht and a private island. But at least Fidel and Raul went out of their way to project an image of solidarity with the Cuban people. Even if the green fatigues were custom made, they did not have designer labels. Sounds like this Castro grandchild, Sandro, doesn’t care about the proletarian image, he cares about social media likes.