Underage Political Prisoners in Cuba

Cover design by Janet Aguilar

Por Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – Dear friends, this week we have dedicated our drawings to political prisoners in Cuba; especially the minors who are deprived of liberty.

Prisoners Defender reported at the beginning of November 2021 there was a total of 683 incarcerated for political reasons in Cuba.

After the July 11th protests and around November 15th, Justicia 11J and Cubalex made up a list in which they highlight the arrests of 45 minors, of which 29 have been released, some with precautionary measures of home confinement or on bail. Nine of them are still in prison.

It is a delicate situation for those young people who suffer exemplary sentences beyond their status as minors and the alleged international agreements that protect them.

Although some campaigns have been organized from various sectors of civil society to account for, show solidarity with and help relatives, it has not been enough to obtain their freedom.

The situation must be visualized from every part of society and debate promoted so that justice responds less to power and frees itself from political bias, even in a society like ours.

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

Find me a rope. Hand cuffs are not enough for this one.
Conduct school.
I´m irrevocable.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times.