“Las Krudas” Perform at a Havana Painting Exhibition

Photo Feature by Elio Delgado Valdes and Elvira Pardo Cruz
HAVANA TIMES – The small venue known as “La Marca”, dedicated to tattoo art, located on Obrapia Street in Old Havana, recently provided its space for an exhibition of artist Nancy Cepero’s paintings.
The exhibition was joined by hip-hop singers Krudxs Cubensi, Odaymara Cuesta (Pasa Kruda) and Olivia Prendes (Pelusa Kruda), also known as Las Krudas.
The artistic gathering served as an opportunity for this hip hop group to voice their support for the LGBT community. Their activism has involved encouraging others to accept Article 68 of the new Constitution that would have made same-sex marriage legal, but which has now been erased from the final draft, leaving it to the family code, in years to come, as the last place to promote such a union of people.
Las Krudas also advocate for feminism and the end of racial discrimination. There are videos of them on the Internet where they link art and their activism. The lyrics of their songs reveal their radical nature, inciting people to not be afraid of coming out, fighting for women’s rights and not to be discriminated against because of the color of their skin, as well as body acceptance and veganism.
For this group of black feminism, a person’s sexual identity or gender is a social construct, they accept that these might not necessarily be written in human nature.
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