Behind the Fence, Caracas, Venezuela – Photo of the Day

We are waiting for your pictures!
HAVANA TIMES – Our Photo of the Day section is interested not only in photos taken in Havana, Matanzas, Pinar del Río, Granma or Santiago de Cuba. We are not looking only for Cuban portraits or landscapes. We want to publish your photos of the cities and countryside’s of Nicaragua, Venezuela, the United States, Japan, France, Turkey, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Cyprus or Viet Nam. We like diversity.
We also know that there are Cubans in every city on this planet, and we would like you to tell us, with images, your day to day outside of Cuba. It doesn’t matter if you have not studied photography, we all carry an artist inside. Don’t you think?
Just send us your name and country of residence, the place where you took the photo and with what camera or cell phone to [email protected]
They can be portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.
Express yourself in Havana Times.
To see the photos of all the previous days click here.
Holiday Season is Upon Us: Revitalize Yourselves
One of my favorite images is seeing Jesus in His Mothers Arms.
You may think it has meaning to me because Jesus is believed to be divine,
and it is a sacred moment to be whole heartedly revered.
Not necessarily so, you see I see so much in that action and relationship between Mother and Child.
Every and Any child with their Mothers protective arms around them, cradling and soothing them.
For if God became human, we are all products of divine intervention
A child so innocent and dependent upon its caregiver each day,
challenging the parents patience, determination and abilities,
while enjoying the love and affection of both Mother and Father alike.
That special bond is in itself precious and powerful.
Many children are alone today, torn from their parents or facing unfriendly circumstances.
A family lives as one, parents with a child perhaps at hand,
facing challenges often to burdensome and stressful to handle.
The Holiday Season is a time of joy, abundance, and cheer, except when it is not.
Friends, may I ask you to think of both Child and Parent alike,
trying to survive and develop a unity in love.
For reasons unknow, some fall into depression, stress and bad situations,
and while we celebrate the birth of Jesus these People need our help.
Be to these people as the inn keeper was to the Divine Family,
offer shelter, food, clothing and your attention some day.
Offer the love you’d give your deity no matter your religion or belief,
for those who give often will receive abundantly ten fold. (that is what they say).
This holiday season celebrate Life, Love and the Great Power of Creation.
Stretch out your arms and help Family, Friend or Neighbor as well,
receive even Foe as a sibling to be, a family we are permanently.
The Season of the Divine calls upon each of Us to be Respectful, Loving and Honest,
bold in our efforts to help those with less abundance.
Search your hearts, and reach out and give someone a huge perhaps,
and you’ll be surprised at the hug you’ll certainly get back.
Have a Wonderful Holiday Season with Open Hearts and Minds. Love One Another as too The Divine.
Search Your Hearts for all that is good, and be empathetic too.
Steven Kaszab
Bradford, Ontario
[email protected]