Blue Cuba, Havana – Photo of the Day

HAVANA TIMES – Since last year trips to Cuba have been reduced due to the pandemic. Perhaps our readers think that in the Photo of the Day we only publish images of Cuba, but that’s not the case.

If you like photography, and you think you have a quality photo (in color or black and white) to share with other readers, take advantage of our space to do so.
You just have to send an email with your name, country of origin or residence, camera or cell phone with which you took the photo, and the place where you were at the time of taking it (city and country), to this address: [email protected]
Portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.
Express yourself in Havana Times.
To see the photos of the previous days select here.
Sadly, we are in the middle of a monster pandemic and this restricts travel in an unpresented way! You wrote “HAVANA TIMES – Since last year trips to Cuba have been reduced due to the pandemic. Perhaps our readers think that in the Photo of the Day we only publish images of Cuba, but that’s not the case.” I totally disagree with that statement. Since potential tourist CANNOT travel to the Island… at this time… It would be best to publish pictures of places where they can go, after the pandemic is over, let them draw a list of places that attracts their attention so that when this all has passed… they will rush to the travel agency and inquire about going to those places. A “BLUE CAR” really? It is not even a “blue car” in the foreground of a great attraction on the Island of Cuba! A “blue car”, really? that could be a “junk car… a clunker” anywhere in this world! Could that blue car exist in Mexico… Haiti… Santo Domingo?, sure it could… so what does this photo say about Cuba? I have noticed that in the past year or so you have been publishing quite a number of junk pictures. “A stray dog” (or cat). A segment of a common picture of a beach that could be ANYWHERE in this planet… and even such is not a dramatic scene! If this is what we are showing these potential tourists they might get discouraged to spend money to travel to our fine Island… to see the “CRAP” that they are seeing… for now. You guys used to publish pictures of beautiful dramatic sites of our fine and beautiful Island… Am disappointed!