Bust of Pope John Paul II – Photo of the Day

By David Benjamín (Canada). Camera: Canon G10
HAVANA TIMES – Since last year trips to Cuba have been reduced due to the pandemic. Perhaps our readers think that in the Photo of the Day we only publish images of Cuba, but that’s not the case.

If you like photography, and you think you have a quality photo (in color or black and white) to share with other readers, take advantage of our space to do so.
You just have to send an email with your name, country of origin or residence, camera or cell phone with which you took the photo, and the place where you were at the time of taking it (city and country), to this address: [email protected]
Portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.
Express yourself in Havana Times.
To see the photos of the previous days select here.