Facing Port Avenue, Havana – Photo of the Day

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HAVANA TIMES – You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just send a picture (in black and white or color), that you consider with quality to be published. Indicate where it was taken (city and country), type of camera or cell phone you used and a short description of it.
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Thanks Victor for your vivid memories / descriptions.
Nice photo of the day. It is actually Cuba Street (Calle Cuba).
The building with the blue and white balcony shutters at the second floor, is where I lived with my grandparents, uncles, aunts, my mother and a brother. This was from 1956 to January 1963. (age of 6 to 12). Four of my uncles worked a bicycle shop in the building to the left that has the three dark blue framed doorways with its roller shutters.
We had a majestic view of the harbor entrance, The Morro castle lighthouse, Cabana fortress and the parks across the street were our paradise when growing up. We would ride our bicycles everyday of the year.
On a very serious note, during the first week of January 1959 as the Batista regime was falling apart and Castro forces were moving into Havana, one day that week I witness from that balcony, something I will never forget, but have mentioned to very few people.
As I was standing at the balcony, the one that is wide open at the second floor of the cream colored facade, and looking to the right from the balcony, I saw a rush of people running, trying to get away from policemen that were shooting at them. Some of the people had blood on them. As I looked diagonally to the right toward the park’s sidewalk, I saw a policeman shoot a person and that person falling to the ground. At that moment my grandfather told me to be quiet and to get inside.
Must have been an hour later that I dared poke my head out the balcony and saw a dark spot where the person that was shot had fallen. It must have been a pool of blood.
Never found out who it was.
Apparently there was looting of the parking meters that was taking place and the police responded. The parking meters, at that time was a hated symbol of the Batista dictatorship, I learned later.
Presently, in that second floor apartment, reside the a son, daughter and granddaughter of my cousin.
Have visited them a few times since 2011.