Trinidad, Cuba – Photo of the Day

HAVANA TIMES – Since last year trips to Cuba have been reduced due to the pandemic. Perhaps our readers think that in the Photo of the Day we only publish images of Cuba, but that’s not the case.

If you like photography, and you think you have a quality photo (in color or black and white) to share with other readers, take advantage of our space to do so.
You just have to send an email with your name, country of origin or residence, camera or cell phone with which you took the photo, and the place where you were at the time of taking it (city and country), to this address: [email protected]
Portraits, landscapes, street photography, press photography, whatever you prefer.
Express yourself in Havana Times.
To see the photos of the previous days select here.
If you didn’t see any repression, you weren’t looking very hard.
And you’re totally wrong; the failed policies in Cuba are caused by the incompetence of the Cuban government. If you re-read what you typed, you claimed that the US and that US Cuban communities are making Cuban government policies, which is ridiculous.
And if you truly believe that Cubans should work out their own problems, well, how about if they have an election?
Cuba was wonderful,loved trinidad,Trinidad, the people ,restaurants and music…the only failed policies in Cuba is not caused by the Cuban government but by the united states and the US Cuban communities strangely hold on the Cuban economy…its time to let Cuban socialism alone and let them work out their own problems …I was there for two and a half weeks and saw no so called repression anywhere ..hands off Cuba. Let us visit again✌