Curious Differences between Cubans

By Nike

HAVANA TIMES — For a while now, the difference between Cubans who have been living here ever since they were born and haven’t gone anywhere other than to their work and their children’s school and those who live outside Cuba has caught my attention.

Cubans who live here are pessimistic, bitter, they only talk about diseases and hospitals. Plus, they only see the bad side of situations and never the good, which even if there is a good side, they look hard for something negative and they rub it in like a victory, as well as arguing about everything and always playing devil’s advocate no matter what the subject.

They are hypochondriacs and they are always complaining about everything and criticizing everything without ever seeing the good things life has to offer. (This without generalizing)

However, Cubans who come from abroad are full of light, joy, they are positive, filled with optimism, clear-headed and wanting to help, to please and to make the loved ones they left behind in Cuba happy.

What do you think?

8 thoughts on “Curious Differences between Cubans

  • I would say that “Nike’s” reflection (for a can’t really call it an article) says more about “Nike” than it does about the differences between “Cubans who have been living here ever since they were born and haven’t gone anywhere…” vs “Cubans who come from abroad…” It says something–in fact MORE–about your own negativity and parochialism. There are negative–and positive–folks everywhere. Those who are only negative have nothing to offer and, in fact, drag down those who attempt to do something about their circumstance.
    Many years ago I worked in a program for older, non-traditional, students. One of my students was a single mother who went back to school and, despite many obstacles, overcame them and improved her life. Many people in the community where she lived offered only negative advice. Why was she neglecting her children? Did she think she was better than anyone else? etc. etc. Of course the community where she lived was very beaten down–a post-industrial community. Still, she was determined to make a better life for herself and her children. Eventually, she moved to the next down over, which had a greater mix of people: middle-class, working-class and poor people, like herself, but who had upwardly mobile aspirations, like herself. She achieved them; eventually, she started her own successful business. An important factor in breaking out of this paralysis of negativity is to surround yourself with folks who have a more positive attitude. This does not mean that such folks only have a “Pollyanna attitude,” but that the believe in themselves and what they can do, and also have a more “oceanic” view of the world.

  • Good luck mi hermano. Stay informed. Be cautious. Learn from history. Get a great education, which takes a lifetime. Un abrazo fuerte!

  • Obviously, you haven’t been reading many articles.

  • Sounds like these guys are the bitter pessimistic Cubans the author was talking about jaja caso cerrado!

  • It’s silly. Come on now.

  • I agree. It is a pointless and ridiculous article.

  • I enjoy your post to help me learn more about cuban culture. I was born in the U.S. but I have family that lives in Cuba and they are the most optimistic people I have ever met, improving lives by encouraging others. They are even a source of joy for me and cheer me up all the time. I’m sure it helps that they are very devout Christians. I don’t know anyone outside of family and close friends though, so your general assessment is likely more correct. I hope to retire to Cuba some day after many more years of working in the yuma. Salud!

  • What the hell is this piece doing in any minimally respected publication? Really?

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