Osmel Ramirez Alvarez

The Removal of Presidents, Pros and Cons

In recent days, Dilma Rouseff was officially impeached from her presidency in Brazil and Nicolas Maduro is trying to dodge a direct popular vote which threatens to remove him from office in Venezuela. The first president was subject to a Political Ruling or Impeachment and the latter has a recall referendum on his tail. Having the option to remove public figures from their roles if they don’t fulfill their duties is a crucial mechanism for any democracy.

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The Cost of Cuba’s Spending on Sports

From the very beginning, sports have been a fundamental building block in the Revolution’s politics. We can say that it’s an inseparable part of the Revolution and that it is definitely politicized. Fidel personally contributed his ideas on how to develop what he himself called “revolutionary sports”; overseeing its progress until it worked and then sharing its achievements.

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For Most Cubans Hope Has Vanished

I can still remember our people rejoicing in the street and in Cuban TV interviews, after Barack Obama and Raul Castro announced a new era in US-Cuba relations. Nobody talked about anything else and our hopes were running high.

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Cuba Solidarity and Looking the Other Way

They refuse to adopt a critical standpoint because of their shared anti-imperialist struggle, for “society” trying to build a better world and out of fear for losing the refuge this protector State gives those who take part in this fight.

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Summer Holidays, An Odyssey for Cubans!

I woke up worried today because I want to take my family out for the day and get away from all of this a little but I don’t know how. They want to go to the beach but my bicycle can’t carry us all: we’re five in total.

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“Cafecito de Cuba” Isn’t for Locals

Today, I woke up really early in the morning and I stood outside my house. I could make out a lot of my neighbors among the pedestrians on the street already with a small jar in their hands, on their way to buy a little coffee.

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