Osmel Ramirez Alvarez

Another War to the Death in Venezuela

Today, as though the past had returned like a boomerang, it would again seem that Venezuelans see no other way forward but intolerance. The adversaries, though brothers, are quite different: Chavistas and the opposition.

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The Challenge of Understanding Cuba

This is a country like no other. Not even we Cubans understand Cuba so, how could we expect a foreigner to quickly grasp our situation? It would be a veritable feat to do so. However, despite all this, we are an interesting people with a beautiful country.

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Central America: Another Chapter in Cuba’s Migratory Crisis

About a year ago, it was but a rumor. Then it became a known fact that one could travel from Cuba to the United States easily via Ecuador. The fear of losing everything tends to fade when a small opening appears in the Cuban balloon and many want to take advantage of it. This is what happened when Ecuador offered visa exemptions as part of its free circulation policy.

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Chavismo’s Electoral Defeat: Debacle or Chance for Readjustment?

No other issue in Cuba is as thorny and worrisome these days as the adverse results faced by Chavismo in Venezuela’s recent parliamentary elections. Through Telesur and Cuban television, Cubans received the news of the super-majority secured by the opposition with great surprise and concern. For me, personally, it wasn’t much of a surprise at all.

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