Osmel Ramirez Alvarez

Corruption in Cuba, a Multi-Tiered Problem

We don’t really know the exact scale of the corruption in Cuba. Figures on corruption aren’t published and most cases punishable by law aren’t published by pro-government media. We only know about the ones which are in the government’s political or strategic interest, which circulate on cell phones or by well-known “gossip”.

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Maduro, Venezuela’s Most Skilled Politician

The opposition’s strategy is a classic example of political clumsiness. They had the opportunity to win and they chose to lose, because by not taking part that’s exactly what they did. Elections aren’t perfect in Venezuela but they are possible…

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Face-off for Cuba in Geneva over Human Rights

Cuba is fighting a fierce diplomatic battle in Geneva. Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez and his “Elite Squad” have been charged with the mission of highlighting the positive side of the Cuban government, maximizing and sugarcoating its social achievements and reducing and distorting those which represent human rights violations.

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A Spectacular Cave in Eastern Cuba

Just 5 kms away from Mayari’s city center, you can find Seboruco Cave, declared a National Monument not just because of the general allure these unique structures create, resembling “homes” made by Nature, but also because of the idyllic landscape which surrounds it and the myths and legends of this place.

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