Samuel Farber

Roots of Homophobia in Cuba during the Revolution

The widespread sexism that has existed in revolutionary Cuba, particularly against gays, has long been an uncomfortable issue for supporters of the Cuban regime, particularly in countries such as the United States where vital and influential women’s and gay liberation movements developed in the wake of the 1960s.

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Gays in Cuba after the Revolution

Cuban gays have suffered greatly, particularly during the first thirty years of the revolutionary period. For reasons that will be elucidated later on, the Cuban government forced gays out of the closet and politicized their situation to significantly increase their oppression. Excerpt from the book “Cuba Since the 1959 Revolution.”

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Cuba Since 1959, a Critical Assessment

A new Cuba book by professor/author Sam Farber provides both valuable history and analysis of the island’s now 52-year-old revolution. With a very accessible style, Farber manages to communicate to a broad audience from scholars to those just getting to know the Caribbean island nation.

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