Nicaragua’s VP Rosario Murillo Speaks

HAVANA TIMES – The following is for our readers who may support the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in its effort to squash the civic rebellion in Nicaragua but who are unable to read (in Spanish) the daily noon time speeches of Murillo. In this segment of her speech on Monday the vice president had the following to say:
Statements made by Rosario Murillo, vice president of Nicaragua, on September 3, 2018 (from the official
“Good afternoon dear Families in our Nicaragua. This Nicaragua that is Eternally Blessed! This Nicaragua that is Eternally Free! This Nicaragua that cries out to God, that wants Peace. Peace and to strengthen our Unity. Peace and progress, coming together, embracing each other, with Nicaraguan Affection. Peace and Work. Peace to Prosper!
“We give thanks to our Lord every day for Life, for the Trust and Hope we have in the Nicaraguan Spirit. We give thanks to our Lord because we have been restoring Peace, Tranquility and Safety in all of our Sacred Land. And in this Month of September, Month of the Free Homeland, in this Month of September, our gratitude to the Lord should be infinite every day because He has allowed us to celebrate September by consolidating Peace.
“Let’s remember that the Majority in Nicaragua want Work and Peace. Let’s remember that the Majority in Nicaragua are a People of Faith, we are Devout People, we are Christians, we are People of Love, who want to live with Love for One Another, and want to live by the Lord’s Commandments: Love the Lord above all else and love each other like Siblings.
“There are still blind people out there…! These small groups of bitter, blind, low-lifers, Souls full of Misery, unfortunately. These insignificant people are filled with Misery, this Spiritual Misery that doesn’t allow them to overcome Hate; this Spiritual Misery that doesn’t allow them to grow and see beyond their own two feet; this Spiritual Misery that doesn’t allow them to admit that the Nicaraguan People are Brave, Proud, Determined and we are defending Peace and Work for every Nicaraguan Family with this Bravery, this Pride, this Fighting Spirit.
“Let the Lord forgive those who still fill their Souls with Misery… Let the Lord forgive them and help them heal! Because we need to grow, we need to know how to see past some people’s miserable interests, these petty interests that have imposed Hate, Crime, a National Hijacking of our Country… Miserable interests!
“Unfortunately, these remains of people still have a lot of bitterness in their Hearts… Human Misery! This is why we have to ask the Lord every day for strength to defeat this Human Misery, and for those who Cannot and Never Will realize this [their objective]. Because Nicaragua is full of Vigor and Glory. The whole of Nicaragua refuses, all of Nicaragua refuses to be a Breeding Ground for this Hate that they want to sow and spread across Nicaragua.
“We are a People of Peace. We are a People of Love and we want to live with Love and in Peace, work with Love and in Peace and achieve the Wellbeing we deserve, from a place of Happiness that we have also been recovering, which we also deserve…”
she’s in the wrong business. there are right wing christians in the usa that’d LOVE to get the woman on their tv programs, drumming up contributions. too bad she doesn’t speak english.