Chile: Former President Bachelet Affirms Her “Approve” Vote
HAVANA TIMES – Former president Michelle Bachelet stated, “I already said it in Peru and I think I can say it again: I am going to vote on September 4th here in Geneva to approve.” “I am going to vote to approve the new Constitution because I believe it will mean advancing the situation in my country,” she added.
The former two-term Chilean president and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, addressed the plebiscite of September 4, where citizens will decide whether or not Chile will have a new Constitution.
“I have always been interested in what is happening in my country, and also in the world, and I will be available if I am needed. Not for a position, nothing that is 24/7, but to help in any dimension I can be of help, that my experience can be of help,” she said.
“I already said it in my country too and everyone already knows what I will do it, so I prefer to answer honestly,” when asked.