Exxon Leaders Secretly Undermined Science After Publicly Acknowledging Climate Crisis

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – Internal documents from Exxon reveal that executives — including former CEO Rex Tillerson — secretly worked to sow doubt about the severity of climate change, even as the oil giant publicly acknowledged the link between fossil fuels and the climate crisis. Tillerson would go on to become secretary of state under former President Trump. The Wall Street Journal reports between 2006 and 2016, Exxon executives in their internal communications worked to counter the notion that humans should curtail oil and gas use to help the planet.

In a statement, the Center for Climate Integrity demanded Exxon be held accountable, adding, “This damning new evidence of Exxon’s climate lies shows that for decades it has been official company policy for executives to undermine climate science, minimize the dangers of their oil and gas business, and protect company profits at all costs — with no concern for the catastrophic impact their actions would have on humanity.”

Read more news here on Havana Times