Chile and Colombia Recall Ambassadors to Israel; Bolivia Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Israel

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – Chile and Colombia have recalled their ambassadors to Israel, while Bolivia has cut diplomatic ties with Israel, citing crimes against humanity.

Freddy Mamani: “Based on its principled stance of respect toward life, Bolivia has decided to break diplomatic relations with the Israeli state in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip, which threatens international peace and security.”

In Belgium, transportation unions have called on their over 3 million members to refuse to aid in the delivery of weapons to Israel, citing its genocide against Palestinians. The unions called for a ceasefire and asked the Belgian government to not allow arms to travel through Belgian ports.

Read more news here on Havana Times

2 thoughts on “Chile and Colombia Recall Ambassadors to Israel; Bolivia Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Israel

  • So slaughtering 1400 civilians, beheading some of them, is not a crime against humanity?

    When your enemy wants you dead, there is no point negotiating with them. You must destroy them – a ceasefire will just start the whole process over again.

  • HAVANA TIMES – “Chile and Colombia have recalled their ambassadors to Israel, while Bolivia has cut diplomatic ties with Israel, citing crimes against humanity”.

    What in humanity’s name do these two Titans of Human Rights think about the 1467 innocent civilians includeing
    women and babies defiled, beheaded and slaughter all recorded by heavily armed; dare I use the term “men”. The more South America gets in bed with the Marxists, socialists and China. The more they become a mouthpiece for condoning evil acts under the mantle of Freedom.

    I am not a Jew,nor do I know that many but what was done to Israel on Oct. 7th was, on scale, worse than the attacks by radical Islamists on the US on 9/11. Ok Chile and Bolivia, so you have broken ties with the Jewish state.
    Who cares? As small as the state of Israel is, its GDP is twice that of both these two festering communist sores on the planet. There are free people in Gaza that want to escape the yoke of Hamas oppression. It is NOT Israel that is oppressing the civilian population of Gaza, it is the very element they elected to control them in 2006, Hamas.

    FYI, there has not been a free election since that band of cowards came to power on a promise of freedom for Palestine and its people. When in fact the only true FREE ARABS in the Middle East live in Israel. But let’s not let the facts and history get in the way of a political narrative. Israel is fighting for its very existence. Residens near or in areas where Hamas (the cowards) have hidden were warned to evacuate. Sadly Hamas, the congtroling agency said NO. Curiously not Egypt or Jordan or any other Muslim state will accept Gaza “refugees”. Wonder why?

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