Cuban Control System to Be Implemented In Bolivia

HAVANA TIMES — Bolivia’s government entered into contract on Tuesday with the Cuban company DATYS to set up a modern system for immigration control in that south American nation’s main airports and at fifteen key points along it borders, reported the EFE news service.

Bolivian President Evo Morales said that those people who enter the country will find that their “every movement in Bolivia” will be recorded and controlled in order to “know exactly how they move around and where they are going.”

Morales mentioned the cases of US and Brazilian citizens who committed serious crimes in Bolivia in recent years after crossing its almost 7,000 kilometer border with no difficulties.

According to the Bolivian Minister of Government Carlos Romero, Cuba has “admirably” developed its own technology because of its history of confrontation with the US, which has required special measures to protect its security, political stability and its “socialist revolution.”