Author: Dimitri Prieto-Samsonov

Teaching Constitutional Law in Cuba

Periodically in Cuba, national debates are held on important legal initiatives, such as the recent discussion of the new Social Security Act. In those instances, however, divergent perspectives are not presented in the press.

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Teaching at a Cuban Community College

I began to give classes at the Community College in the town of Santa Cruz five years ago. Like many of my colleagues, I had to take some special classes to become an educator and be able to receive the supplementary income for that extra work.

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The Pravda of Reggaeton

Reggaeton has polarized Cuban society: on one side, the illustrious opinion of the defenders of tradition, public morals and good taste; on the other side, the persistent clueless -those who play it and listen to it, and who blast it from their cars and stores.

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Kids and “Bratz”

My friend, Cuban essayist and poet Victor Fowler, has discerned a dichotomy in Cuba between “the body of pleasure” and “the body of the Homeland.” I believe that explains why the bodies of the “Bratz” are popular among Cuban girls.

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