Author: Elio Delgado Legon

Collecting Donations for the Revolution

The fight against Batista’s dictatorship (1952-1958) was a heroic feat in the country’s larger cities. The young revolutionaries who fought against that criminal regime had to pay a high price in blood, a really high price. In smaller towns in Cuba’s interior provinces…

The Association of Caribbean States in Cuba

Cuba managed to bring together the majority of the 25 Caribbean member states’ heads of state, foreign ministers and their highest-ranking government officials to Havana in order to celebrate the 7th Summit of the ACS, which took place on June 2-4.

Cuban Culture during the Revolution

For many many years, Cuban culture was buried beneath racial discrimination, and the few tourists who visited Cuba came from the United States, where there was even worse discrimination than the one in our own country.

The Chicha of Curacavi

In a piece published by Havana Times in September of 2014, I wrote about my visit to Santiago de Chile in 1973 and how the studies I was to pursue at university were interrupted by the coup led by Augusto Pinochet.

Cuba’s Ongoing 7th Party Congress

Many in Cuba and abroad consider this a historical congress, first of all because it is the last to be presided by the historical leaders of the revolution and, second, because it has laid the foundations for the conceptualization of the economic model to follow until 2030.

The Eternal Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro will continue to celebrate birthdays until, one day, as is only natural, he will cease to be among us physically, to go down in history as one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th and 21st century.

My Two Encounters with Fire

I’ve had two unpleasant, nearly traumatic run-ins with fire in my life. The first time I was around 13 and lived in a house with a guano thatched roof, much like the surrounding houses, on a lot rented out by a landowner.